Yigit Berker stole privatized trillionaire authorizations from my corporations and wealth based assets. Yigit Berker chooses to be a mass genocidist and ultimate thief, as if we were running around in loin cloths, waiting for him to steal our gold and eat our families for food. Yigit Berker killed King Fahad bin Laden's daughter that was living in my basement in 67 Beverly Park Ct. Beverly Hills, California. Yigit Berker tries to steal my wealth based assets that I developed and grew as a business woman, and a royal that is no longer abdicate. I am not Turkish in citizenship and I never have been. I was born in the United States of America, but based on the retarded women that the United States of America chooses to deify as false gods, I now have dead relatives. Yigit Berker also killed U.S. military officers, so that he could assist El Shaddai Gebreyes and Dr. Wu of Alexandria City Mental Health in stealing from my wealth based assets and my reputation. Yigit Berker also murdered one of the Jesus Christ angels from heaven, other angels from heaven, and Egyptian European like god men, very recently. Megan Siroky, is a white female that is currently attending one of my graduate classes at the University of Arizona Global Campus. Megan Siroky laughed and celebrated at the dead bodies that I mourn, first thing this morning....."Ah ha!" Megan Siroky also was able to enter Shirley Anne Myers' black female vampire body and pretend to be her, while ridiculing me on national television and planning my murder with Evelyn Naylor, Bill Naylor, Chantay Carter. Yigit Berker is accompanied by Seinfeld's rabbi, who seems to think all he needs is a transference to own my wealth based assets, while being a complete stranger. Yigit Berker lies to people and tells them that he is my husband. Yigit Berker also killed infants, toddlers, and other people in my family and social circle that were relying on my financial support. Yigit Berker is not my husband and never has been. I do not owe Yigit Berker anything at all. Yigit Berker does not share in my wealth. He is a scoundrel and a thieving genocidist. Yigit Berker is being deported by the U.S. Navy and I Am God Code as consultant. "Yigit Berker is a psychopath and it can not be tolerated any more." And he fucked Charles and Hellyn.
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Aethyrs Aeon Abaivonin Aziagiar Ara, Trade Mark Owner
Oct 2, 20241 min read
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