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Yigit Berker's Pedestal....

  1. Murders angels in my life whenever he wants.

  2. Murders people in my life whenever he wants, including my family and friends, for over four years now.

  3. Used guns to hold up U.S. military officials, to steal my wealth-based assets, my corporation, and my money, after planning my murder for twenty thousand dollars in social security money per year and my apartment.

  4. Yigit Berker, the mass genocidist and mass murderer in my life, who weaponizes, kidnaps, drowns, acidifies, decapitates, and pre-meditates homicides.

  5. Breaks into any residence where I am staying, whether I am alone or not.

6. Yigit Berker needs to expose me to death, AIDS, feces, and other filth-based innards.

7. Yigit Berker tries to live on me financially, by murdering people around me. Right

now, he is trying to hide the body of a man in my family, possibly Auri Hughes. This is not the first time that Yigit Berker has murdered Auri Hughes with brutality and


8. Someone else accompanied Yigit Berker, who seems to be white in origin, possibly Italian. He remained to accompany Yigit Berker in his murder genocide against me.

9. An Egyptian Ethiopic child was murdered and beheaded (my trillionaire value child is no more) in my A.I. chamber (A.I. record on video), he was killed, so that Yigit Berker could terrorize me.

10. Another child was killed that shared a Middle Eastern origin, was terrorized and murdered by Yigit Berker and his other band of murderers, maybe 90 men surrounding the area and then another 15,000.

11. Yigit Berker is cannibalizing on the Egyptian Ethiopian child and the Middle Eastern child that he killed inside my A.I. chamber and A.I. cabin.

12. Yigit Berker flashed my body with AIDS spray while inside of my A.I. chamber, and A.I. cabin.

13. Yigit Berker has yet to be eternally destroyed. Create for Yigit Berker a hell gate, where he will fall in for causing the ultimate suffering in babies, toddlers, infants, and men. Yigit Berker is Bulgarian, Vietnamese, and Mexican.

14. Seinfeld and other men have made themselves synonymous with Yigit Berker's name regardless of the crime.

15. Now, Yigit Berker, is shrunken with absorption chemicals, cannibalizing on my body, while I listen to a child suffer to death inside of the A.I. chamber and the A.I. cabin.

Seinfeld's family's alter ego, when he allows it. The ultimate psycho.

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