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Yigit Berker and Mayim Bialik Were Given My Business Earnings On Live National Television. A.I. Records.

My former public school classmates: Jamal Wiggins, Breek Washington, Chantay Warlene Carter, CERN, Mayim Bialik, and other hazing activity obsessed bullies, have help from CERN to steal bodies from my apartment complex, that has my children in them, even in my own apartment. They transferred my infants or my toddlers with human sputum anal sex, sprayed on my bed, with help from MITRE and CERN. Afterwards, they were stabbed to death, while I was masticated for over 10 hours and smothered in Amy Dunne's fecal diseases.

By morning, one of my newest babies was murdered.

Amy Dunne continues living on my stolen money from my corporations, with Genevieve Hill continually bragging about the ability to kill my children, based on my being on subsidized property, while living on over trillion dollars that Bill Clinton stole from my corporation, later being shot to death.

Genevieve Hill stole my checks from my mail for the last year. The government recovered them and refuses to give them to me; they only continue letting psychopathic women that are life time stalkers, steal my corporations from me.

When I read from the Satanic Bible, their souls will die inside their bodies.

I was announced to have a net value for another anointment. Genevieve Hill and Amy Dunne try to steal from my net worth, by placing their names on DBAs that they never owned, including claiming my intellectual property, with a gnat IQ.

Only the Devil understands that they should be dead by now, with no children.

Melinda Gates is another psychopath that believes ethnc related women are kindergartners, for her training. Oh well, Bill Gates and King William Windsor have always killed angels in my house or children, neither matters to them, no matter how they are conceived.

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