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Terrorists and Kidnappers Are Completing The Grading of My Doctoral Assignments

I just received a failing grade for the journal of my doctoral work. Dr. Carpenter's family has already contacted me about an A.I. implant to give me death threats. Dr. Carpenter also has made a habit of mentioning El Shaddai Gebreyes in the doctoral course videos that she does each week of the assignments. Dr. Carpenter has also claimed that I have no narrative in my research tool kit. I completed the narrative, which is at least 15 sentences. Dr. Carpenter is also receiving advice from strange women who do not know me regarding my introduction, where I received a comment on A.I. implant that I am a liar. These are the same women that try to advance my husbands sexually all the while offering nothing but their kaffir presence, disease, ignorance, whoredom, and poverty. These women do not know me in any way. These are the women who exacerbate the death of military men and women of the United States of America. Dr. Carpenter is complementing El Shaddai Gebreyes during the videos. However, El Shaddai Gebreyes has never been to college and uses an alter ego. El Shaddai Gebreyes also has a master-slave situation with Rose McGowan. It has also been reported that Rose McGowan becomes El Shaddai Gebreyes cerebrally. Some people in the government believe that Dr. Carpenter is actually an African and that her African appearance is not visible.

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