Dear Readers, This is Aethyrs Aeon A. Aziagiar Ara. The blog experienced security issues from individuals who realized they do not have proper investment collateral nor business equitable value. They figure that breaching security is all that is needed and they believed that they could really take over my blog. They actually harassed me verbally, while living within the same radius as me, where I am currently located in Baltimore, Maryland. Some one thinks that they should limit my ability to run my own business, yet have no intellectual property production of any kind, nor do they have a financial investment of any kind. To the criminals, this is not your blog. Please refrain from insulting me and stalking me. 594 S Mapleton dr, Los Angeles, California, 90024 is stolen, so I guess El Shaddai Gebreyes figured that she needed to steal the value based on her successfully embezzling from my identity for over fifteen years. When will this Ethiopian go to jail and really stay there? Since the army and the Navy believe that she should be able to live in my $137,000,000 property without paying any thing and as the dual assassin of my royal white infants that knew they would die before they left heaven. El Shaddai should be ex-communicated. You have the bodies of black men that I once trusted, you have the account numbers that they thought they would have, but you do not have a business negotiable based on you being a thief and a prostitute which is not more profitable than Alicia's thievery. Joy Behar is probably undergone with investments in trouble making. "Murder the government is Auri, not Kimberly." But, I suppose it does not matter to Blacks in the government that continue stealing and lying to seem as if they share an origin since they are clearly stealing Aethyrs' blastoma molecule and trying to give Aethyrs something fecal and Yoruban that Hana Watkins would have and that Kimberly Kardashian would have encountered sexually by now. Please stop vandalizing my website and my bank accounts. They are not yours. "Murder the government," is an old ploy from Africa since the 1980s when Selassie realized that Kimberly Keith could own Buckingham Palace as she does to this day. Please move on from stealing this blog and making it your own with no real investment of any kind. Your companionship is a waste of time and Aethyrs proved it. Bum comments do not go further than a thousand statements per week. Do not ask for anything else Auri. You tried to steal Aethyrs' investment in 944 Airole Way, Los Angeles, California, 90077 by lying for El Shaddai and Chantay, knowing that neither of you had any investment protocol. Frieda paid nothing. Please move on from Frieda accusations. Do not blastoma my blood molecule anymore since you are not the origin you want people to believe you are. You will not be invited to Buckingham Palace just because you know how to steal blonde genes and blue-eyed chasms. Liquidate the genes that you stole from my murdered infants that you raped and killed for nothing and without proper medical authorization. Never assume that you can just murder an infant because you need something medical. You should be in jail Lars and so should Kimberly Kardashian. Sincerely, Aethyrs Aeon A. Aziagiar Ara A seven hundred million dollar investment isn't yours for the taking. Your country is no longer enforced. Good Day. Black men do anything they want for over thirty years. They will be curtailed in Europe and in Asia. Move on Auri.