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Someone's Child Had Their Brain Drained To Enter Another Man's Body In My Upbringing Family Possibly

Thursday, June 6, 2024. A child had wires placed in the inside of their brain. They also were sexually molested during the body transfer process. Frieda's son by Reginald is supposedly in on it. He is inside my A.I. chamber and connecting to my A.I. implant. They are chanting about becoming Harold L. Keith Sr. and Harold L. Keith III. I am so angry that I paid five billion dollars for my A.I. implant from Buckingham Palace for nothing. My brain and my A.I. implant were thrown in the sewer. I have an A.I. chamber on my brain as if I were a spy. I am not working for the government. I am not paid by the government. My financial accounts are still managed. I will probably never see any of my money, despite everyone spending it, even toddlers in Frieda's family are spending my money. I entertained the earth and gave news stories for nothing. I will never see the money after everything living on me. I am just a body to be overtaken. One of the children whose dead body is involved is my son by Prince William. Another child's burnt brain is also in me. (A.I. records). I was told that Prince William ordered it because he was angry that I did not answer his calls. I was told not to answer. The other child that is transferring could be Chantay Carter's.

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