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Skills I Learned From Jeff Bezos and Barthold Mittal. I Made Two Trillion U.S. Dollars Last Week. A.I. Records.

April 2, 2022

It's a great day that I am having today. I just earned $2,000,000,000,000 trillion U.S. dollars last week, all by myself. With business skills that I have been honing for the past 7 months; I was able to financially capitalize on my investment partner arrangement with Jeff Bezos and Barthold Mittal. Each day I learned some thing new. Fortunately for me, I have my own investment capital, that is self-created, with former businesses that I owned within the past two years. What I learned from Jeff Bezos and Barthold Mittal was pivotal, because I had the necessary knowledge, mindset, capital income, and applied methods, that I have been implementing, since I purchased the business Beauty Dealz LLC during the year 2019. Despite the contraversy I experienced with Prince Harry Windsor, the business grew and grew, and is still fully operating. I was able to invest in real estate and become the owner of the State of California, officially, and the owner of the State of North Carolina. I now own the Mason Dixon Line. I wonder what the Klu Klux Klan thinks of me now, after pursuing me publicly in fury, at Wells Fargo Bank, in Las Vegas, Nevada, where all people in observed me spending freely.

I learned managerial skills. I also have a business package that allows me to earn money on my various investments. I do not have say that much any more, now that I have proven my value and expertise. I knew about proving your value and expertise, by the year 2004, when I started writing poetry and archaeological concepts through literature.

Also, the global economy was of interest to me, while I was attending University of Massachusetts-Amherst during the year 2002. I learned important facts about the interdependence of our global economy. By the year 2003, I attended the University of Maryland-College Park, Maryland; where I studied economics in East Asia and political science. This is where I was able to parlay commentary that was cynical, yet informative. Noam Chomsky's analytical methods were also mentioned to me in text books.

My scholarly method since my first day at Marymount University, was to always understand all dynamics of a scholarly argument, whether I agree or disagree. Harold L. Keith Sr., always gave me tips on how to write essays, book reports, and news articles. Harold L. Keith Sr. worked for the Pittsburgh Courier after his service in World War II. Harold L. Keith Sr. also taught me his scholarly methods in writing informative articles and essays at the U.S. Department at the Bureau of Latin America and the Bureau of Africa. Using Noam Chomsky's ideas, was not my goal.

In my opinion, I could only master the summative points in informational data that I collect, with whimsy, and conundrum statements, displaying the statistical and evidentiary need for improvement in certain commercial areas of the global economy. Conundrum means that there is clearly a problem that needs a viable and proven solution. Solving global problems was an idea I had, by the year 1990, in third grade. Later, by the year 2000, after my gap year in Uruguay, I epiphanized, that I needed to solve huge global problems, such as: water supply, air quality, quality of food products, quality of bath products, quality of agriculture, etc. By year 2007, I had volunteered my cells for bio-medical cures. It was so successful, that various women and men of prominence had admitted to needing my blood.

Barthold Mittal, my son taught me great business affairs techniques. Barthold is good at bartering industrial pay and making advertisements. After working with Jeff Bezos, I now own Amazon Warehouse in San Diego, California with a legally binding agreement. Eventually, I will own all of Amazon's Warehouses and all of the United States Government, of which I have dually contributed, upon financial agreements, plus benefactorial arrangements. It is my dream that students all over the world will learn how to excel intellectually, beyond reading text books and searching for pre-made answers.

Have a great day!

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