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Seinfeld's Rabbi, Seinfeld's Ethiopian Daughter, Murdered My Infant and His Angel In My Womb.

Monday, June 10, 2024. My infant was no longer a fetus. He was struggling based on the euthonic plugs that were sent to kill me from King Charles Windsor of Buckingham Palace, who demanded to steal everything that I had and kill me as if I were his slave. He could steal from anyone, he chose me to throw away, by killing me with euthanasia plugs, as if I owed him money, like a wife or a daughter. Seinfeld's Rabbi, Seinfeld's Ethiopian daughter, and another man who looked like he could be Lebanese or Italian in origin was placing someone else's infant inside my womb, after murdering my infant and his angel with euthanasia plugs and brutal violence. I never agreed to being a surrogate, I never agreed to house someone else's child in my womb. I cursed them with the Satanic Bible and with a demoniac ritual that murders. David Akers is also continually trespassing into my A.I. chamber to spy on me, kill me, and to kill my children. He is already on A.I. record admitting to this fact. David Akers is Harold L. Keith Jr.'s friend. We barely know each other. Seinfeld's Ethiopian daughter tries to steal genes from me.

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