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Sarah Feuer's Cousin Shrunk Herself With MITRE TECH, Cannibalized On Infants In My Womb Live. A.I. Records.

Monday, April 15, 2024. 8:30 AM. Sarah Feuer commanded her cousin to enter my womb with MITRE TECH. Sarah Feuer's cousin watches my every move and looked at everything that I had to eat so that she could find me genetically. Sarah Feuer's cousin masticated my infants while they were living and also cannibalized on them while taunting them live, on A.I. video. My infants are still alive without skin, only flesh, bone, and some hair. My infants are white with blonde hair. Sarah Feuer's cousin taunted my infants and said, "You are Egyptian, so I should cannibalize on you," and eats them alive, while in my pregnant womb or A.I. cabin with MITRE TECH, as shrunken individuals. My infants are suffering with Sarah Feuer's cousin and other assailants hiding in my A.I. implant with MITRE TECH, shrunken. My infants suffered all night with Sarah Feuer's cousin killing them, torturing them, masticating them, and cannibalizing on them. No one came to rescue the infants and myself. Sarah Feuer's cousin thinks she is going to live in me, killing my infants, killing my family, and cannibalizing on us. I only am acquainted with Sarah Feuer by having attended Woodrow Senior High School in Washington, D.C. from the year 1996-1999. Woodrow Wilson is now Jackson Reed High School. She has been in me all night.

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