Honorable King Salman Khan XII proposed marriage to Sarah Feuer. Sarah Feuer is King Fahad Bin Laden's kidnapper, and rapist, and also held King Fahad Bin Laden at gunpoint for half of the year. Sarah Feuer insulted King Salman Khan XII and said, "Why would I marry you? "You need someone that I am euthanizing." I told Sarah Feuer, "You think that you are Goebbels or something like that don't you? "Even the demons understand that running off with the Royal Khan annuity, semen from rape, and three Maseratis, is not a euthanasia. "When Nazis were at their Zenith, they all understood that they would fall from power. "There are warriors who are more skilled than you that knew they would die. "You give the demons the encouragement they need and they are better than you are. "You are hell-bounding, but you don't think you are." Sarah Feuer also raped me nearly 20 years ago and stole my infant without offering from my bedroom without paperwork of any kind. Sarah Feuer also called the cops on me when I was working in Washington, D.C. as a graduate student and a resident teacher. Sarah Feuer told the cops that I was disabled and that I should not be working. That is not federal law in this country. In fact, Social Security sends me encouragement to have a job or a business. As King Bin Laden said, I am allowed to be a billionaire with a Social Security check, if I want, billionaires are allowed to do this all the time. Sarah Feuer believed that by raping King Fahad VIII she would one day own my real estate properties such as 67 Beverly Hills Ct., Beverly Hills, California, 90210, and 6 Coral Ridge, Newport Beach, California, 92657. "I had sex with you, give me 6 Coral Ridge," said Sarah Feuer, as if she could command it. When in fact, 6 Coral Ridge and 67 Beverly Hills Ct. are only owned by me and not by King Fahad Bin Laden VIII. I only know Sarah Feuer from Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in Washington, D.C., which is now called Jackson Reed High School from the years 1997-1999. Sarah Feuer also believes that I am in poverty while she euthanizes me, in her animalized maniacal mind. I told Sarah, that she was on her way to hell and that the demons are sure of it. The only reason why Sarah is successful in kidnapping King Fahad VIII and my son Lars Jennrich III with barbaric racism is because several of the hired military officers were gunned down in their positions as military guardians. King Fahad Bin Laden VIII was also reported as being dead on film and mourning after death that I would be alone, all om A.I. video. My husband King Fahad Bin Laden VIII has claimed to have resurfaced physiologically.
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Aethyrs Aeon Abaivonin Aziagiar Ara, Trade Mark Owner
Oct 2, 20241 min read
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