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President Obama Was Determined To Kill My Newest White Children With Rifles, I Owing Him Nothing. A.I. Records.

April 9, 2022

President Obama, has made it a habit to continually kill my families, and of course President Obama's newest past time, is killing my White toddlers and White infants and chasing them with guns, my newest children that I adored. President Obama has always been determined to ruin my life in some kind of way. President Obama and I are not genetically related, however, President Obama always takes it upon himself, to steal billions of dollars from me or to kill my newest White children with violence. To President Obama, my White children are just present, so that they can become body farm dolls.

Every kidnapper that my children had, would say, "President Obama told me to get a rifle and follow you around, as if I was a criminal. Then I guess, we can all blame President Obama for spreading full blown AIDS disease to the earth, knowingly, in defense of Chantay Warlene Carter's wild prostitution scam, infecting a quarter of the earth with full blown AIDS diseases while Alfrieda Scott stains the earth, with a full epidemic, also deciding to steal from me at any whim, and then make a claim against my sanity. I am not genetically related to Alfrieda Scott either, but she always has an excuse for stalking me or for stealing from me with murder, speaking fluent Spanish language and having never learned it. In the interim, President Obama and his female Jewish counterparts, black and White, assumed that I would work for free forever, as a public school teacher, an endless income. The earth understood, that with continuing progeny, my business could thrive and so would my image. Caleb Ross' psychotic family of wild racists, also made it their responsibility to kill my former fiances and my newest infants and toddlers. Caleb Ross' family is also expecting to receive a financial reward for stalking me unjustly and killing my former fiances and other family members of mine, no matter who they are on earth. Caleb Ross' family continues stalking me to this day, as if I owe them money, watching my every move, since the year 2018, staring at any residence in which resided, following me all the way to Nevada and California, murdering my family anywhere Caleb Ross' family could find them, within the last 5 years, murdering my family members, as far as Turkey and India, expecting a to steal my self-created company from me. It is currently 3:44 AM in Chantilly, Virginia, as I am typing this blog post, and Caleb Ross' psychotic father, along with other White male fathers, who had their children attend my class in a stalking effort, are also watching my every move, planning additional murders and torture assaults of any one in my family, even as far as Turkey, India, China, France, or Germany. I have since elected Caleb Ross' family for the gate of hell, for lying on me, accusing me of being a pedophile and accusing me of sexually molesting Caleb Ross, knowing fully well, that I am innocent, with plenty of false information from Nuremberg cadaver puppet, Yigit Berker, my former landlord in Istanbul, Turkey, that inducted as a billionaire Luciferian, by cannibalizing on my White infants, grinding them up into a soup on artificial intelligence video, turning my White infants by Prince William Windsor into a cannibal soup with a Chinese female, that had stalked me from Chantilly, Virginia.

I have since elected Caleb Ross and his family, for the gate of hell, abandoning religious worship of "God," and moving onto the angel Satan, since the year 2018, when I first worked as a full time teacher.

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