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President Obama Bribed Vampire Tarkan Bred Crack AIDS Gestation Ghetto Foster Child Irvina White$€. A.I. Records..

I was harassed by vampires in Istanbul in 2015, with Tarkan’s dead body. President Obama made sure to give me the worst research vacation. President Obama stalked me with black and white celebrities, and the U.S. Military all over Istanbul, Turkey. Based on environment; I became fair looking with green eyes, my long hair blew in the wind; it terrified black celebrities who were stalking me there, on purpose, on President Obama’s command. In order to embarrass me and harass my international reputation; President Obama told Vampire famous singer, Tarkan, to breed black skinned, AIDS infested, crack head from my 5th grade elementary school; Alexander Shepherd Elementary School in Washington, DC in 1992. Seinfeld and the Nazi party ordered that I be smothered in napalm, spray my food with AIDS feces, over charge me, and kill me everywhere in Istanbul, Turkey in 2015, 2016. By 2004, Tarkan had already raped me, impregnated me without asking, made me his sex slave, and at one point, beat me in the face for singing too beautifully, because he believed I was too alluring. Tarkan never gave me anything. All of the black women knew to brag about that, including Oprah Winfrey and Condaleeza Rice, Hana Japeira Watkins, Genevieve Hill, Chantay Warlene Carter, always talked about the great gifts Saudi Princes, Saudi Kings, Turkish Sultans, Hindu Kings, and Egyptian Kings had to give. Always understanding they would never have the White European soul who was White Queen 18 times, Black African women are still chasing her, trying to steal my soul and my vocal chords....... now it’s about a teaching degree.

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