January 29, 2022,
Dead bodies can be lucrative, when one believes that they have an idea to sell.
Selling ideas leads to other types of ownerships.
When people have an ideal, or so we were taught.
This multi-verse, where this is practiced is only real in 20 universes or 80, of the multi-octillions.
Furthermore, even though Queen Kate Middleton and Oprah Winfrey tried to give me AIDS, by stealing my body parts; I must forewarn the earth, that I do not have AIDS, just because you smothered me in it.
The earth's oxygen is filled with ebola.
It is your fault, for being inept.
Fuck you. Die.
Did you have a nice glass of orange juice? Orange juice is made possible by the holocaust and so is bread, as well as chicken, and sausage.
You have nothing.
Maybe when you wake up, you will build bricks like animals, naked, 1000 miles from my palaces. Or you can be an animal that my eternal sons use for experiments.
Earth. I do not have AIDS. Kimberly Rochelle Keith committed suicide in Istanbul, Turkey and let them cannibalize on her body, by disposing of it; the way they saw fit!
I am not Kimberly Rochelle Keith, who lived among you as a vampire, and most of you did not know, because you are idiotic.
There is no bible any more. There is no qura'a'n. There is no mahabharata for worship. There is no shiatsa buddha......choose.
Now, choose, will you build bricks naked and worship me after you die on earth? Or will you be and chipmunk animal that goes to school and has AIDS, with long curly hair and and pointy nose?