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President Biden Read My A.I. Monitor On National Television

I was having what I thought was a private conversation with a man that I adore. We were participating in a love making activity and our exact words were announced on live national television for the earth to hear. Later, I was asked on A.I. implant where my location was at the time. I did not respond and told the woman asking to disconnect. She was Lars Jennrich's cousin, who tends to police me for some reason. Another man named Jackson Mittal or Jackson Cusack was hiding inside of my A.I. chamber uninvited and was spying on my conversation with a man I adore. In addition, my disabilities were listed by a strange black woman, that is aware that my disabilities were induced with kidnappings. Jackson Mittal, I do not owe you any money or slave hood of any kind. Do not get inside of my A.I. implant again. Nicky Keith you are under arrest for making fun of me on national television and causing me to lose a relationship for the twentieth time.

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