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Please Send Kate Middleton's Family Members To The Authorities. A.I. Records.

Kate Middleton's family is demanding money from me. Kate Middleton's family is demanding the ability to own my houses and wield my wealth-based assets. I do not understand why they are making such demands. I am not a Buckingham Palace member. I have never been a Buckingham Palace member at any point. I have never received any money from Buckingham Palace. Yet, Kate Middleton's family continues accusing me of owing them 5,000,000,000 billion dollars. I have receipts, checks, and deposits from American-based corporations, which were all private businesses for my writing business, that became famous in the year 2020.

I never borrowed any money from Kate Middleton or Prince William. Prince William also had an extra 3,000,000,000 billion dollars that was abandoned from my corporation. In the interim, thousands of children from India died by steam roller, gunshot, and strangulation (A.I. video), because Prince William decided not to distribute the money from my corporation I Am God Code, with new Nazi, Genevieve Hill, celebrating the bloody massacre of the conquested "fiefdom," that was really a Kingdom of children (they were not poor men) that were my relatives in India, where Kate Middleton sought my throne in India, with sexual relations and child molestation. Nazi Genevieve Hill could steal my alimony and Kate Middleton could own my throne in India, despite my relationships.

Several melted carcasses were shown to me on A.I. video, of people that were related to me genetically, that had been killed. One person was a child of mine who was conceived with Prince William as the father, who became a soda pop cannibal meal in a soda can because Kate Middleton believes that I owe her money. Other children that Kate Middleton's family believed were my relatives were beaten to death like they were animals on A.I. video.

I never received any money from Kate Middleton at any point. It's the other way around. A few days ago, MI6 demanded that I give my new mansion in Los Angeles, California to Kate Middleton, and MI6, I declined. My encounter is in an A.I. video. A mansion that I purchased is now destroyed by a crowd of people, some of whom are Kate Middleton's family and someone else named Larson. Kate Middleton's family member accused me of owing her $1000.00. I recanted that I had not owed Kate Middleton any money at all and that Prince William could lose his 2,000,000,000 billion dollar gift that was recently given to him several months ago, which had my birth name on it. It was a gift, I did not owe money. There is always a new year for the year that Kate Middleton's family lent someone $1000.00 in Turkey, that used my name. I never borrowed any money from Kate Middleton.

MI6 also asked me to give up half of my wealth-based assets to Kate Middleton. I can not do that....that would be an insane decision. Why ask me to abandon half of my wealth-based assets? Who else receives such questions and demands?

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