Wednesday, April 24, 2024. I financially support one hundred of my children now; they have received their financial support and housing in my mansions, as requested by regal representatives. What is the delay? Why have I not yet received my financial package delivery? My children are wondering why I am with them as of yet in Beverly Hills, California. I do not want them to feel estranged. I have my own money. The financial accounts that are listed belong to me only. My financial accounts are a personal endeavor; they are not government-related. You delivered to my children, to my uncle Reginald (financial gift and mansion), my uncle Nicky (financial gift and a mansion), and not to me. (Reginald and Nicholas were not given mansions that I owned).
After I follow your regal gubernatorial orders, please release me to my mansion at 67 Beverly Park Ct., Beverly Hills, California.....etc. With my financial accounts delivered to me so that I can move to where my family is staying, with my authorization. I own the mansion. My financial package should contain the following:
My business profits account for the I Am God Code: $92,000,000,000 ninety-two billion dollars.
The child support money that was rejected by my children by Prince William Windsor, this account is worth $400,000,000,000 four hundred billion dollars.
The Royal Khan Annuity kit, two thousand trillion dollars.
The Kudsi Oil Annuity is one trillion per year, which I own with my husband, King Fahad bin Laden VIII.
A White House representative announced over a year ago that the I Am God Code non-profit organization donation was $800,000,000,000, eight hundred billion dollars.
My government representatives who are regal officials also have my account of 30,000 trillion dollars from my South Asian benefactor.
The deeds, purchase orders, and keys to my mansions, including 67 Beverly Park, Beverly Hills, California, 90210, must be delivered to me. I own this privately to house some of my children and entertain people in Shirley's family, such as Auri Hughes, and Teresa Myers.
I am trying to pay particular officials, such as Nicholas Keith, to be released to my real estate property with my financial accounts. I have all of the signatures that I need as a trillionaire. Nicholas Keith said that he was no longer supporting Joi Holmes and Kingsley McLean in their conquest of the blockage of my ownership of my wealth-based assets and finances.
The Kudsi Oil Annuity