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Please Deliver My Business Profits, My Alimony, My Oil Annuity, The Deeds, Keys To My Mansions.

Thursday, April 11, 2024. I financially support my children now; they have received their financial support and housing in my mansions, as requested. What is the delay? Why have I not yet received my financial package delivery? My children are wandering why I am with them as of yet in Beverly Hills, California. I do not want them to feel estranged. I have my own money. The financial accounts that are listed belong to me only. My financial accounts are a personal endeavor; they are not government-related. You delivered to my children, to my uncle Reginald (financial gift and mansion), my uncle Nicky (financial gift and a mansion), and not to me. (Reginald and Nicholas were not given mansions that I owned).

After I followed your regal-gubernatorial orders, please release me to my mansion at 67 Beverly Park Ct., Beverly Hills, California with my financial accounts delivered to me, so that I can move, where my family is staying, with my authorization. I own the mansion. My financial package should contain the following:

  1. My business profits account for the I Am God Code: $92,000,000,000 ninety-two billion dollars.

  2.  The child support money that was rejected by my children by Prince William Windsor, this account is worth $400,000,000,000 four hundred billion dollars.

  3. The Royal Khan Annuity kit, a thousand trillion dollars.

  4. The Kudsi Oil Annuity is one trillion per year, which I own with my husband, King Fahad bin Laden VIII.

  5. A White House representative announced over a year ago that the I Am God Code non-profit organization donation was $800,000,000,000, eight hundred billion dollars.

  6. The deeds, purchase orders, and keys to my mansions, including 67 Beverly Park, Beverly Hills, California, 90210, must be delivered to me. I own this privately to house some of my children and entertain people in Shirley's family, such as Brigadier Reginald Scott, Auri Hughes, and Teresa Myers.

  7. I am trying to pay particular officials, such as Nicholas Keith, to be released to my real estate property with my financial accounts. I have all of the signatures that I need as a trillionaire. Nicholas Keith said that he was no longer supporting Joi Holmes and Kingsley McLean in their conquest of the blockage of my ownership of my wealth-based assets and finances.

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