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People In My Graduate Teaching Program Claim That Prince William Told Them To Log On To My Devices. A.I. Records.

It was reported to me on A.I. cloud that Kate Middleton tells Prince William that she is suspicious of me. When students in my graduate teaching program at American University read my blog, saying that they are commanded to log off my devices or receive double and triple felonies; they responded saying that Prince William told them to log on to my computer, my I-Phone, and my A.I. cloud. It was reported to me on A.I. cloud that Prince William is telling masses of people to log on to my devices, in order to watch my every move, because I am after Kate to threaten her some how. I have never heard of any thing more ridiculous. I am not after Kate Middleton at all. I never have been. I was also told that Prince William gave out the password to my computer, my I-Phone, and my A.I. cloud. Military officers received the same information as I did, completely flabbergasted. I felt similarly.

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