July 14, 2021, 6:32 PM
Oprah Winfrey pretends to be Emma Seinfeld, using her body farm body, she is the "white," priority.
Emma Seinfeld, still needs Shirley's apartment, the federal government's official escape route for terrorists, and trillionaire statesmen. "Isn't that the projects?"
Mayim Bialik, gestapo, needs to examine my teeth, anus, vagina, hair, brain, skin, etc.
Jane Goodall, elderly cougar, manages slaughter house experimentation; whilst marrying trillionaire Mittal's family.
Adolph Hitler's body farm body switched bodies with Hindustani toddlers, in the year 2015 A.D.
Mayim Bialik had a baby shower, for infants that do not belong to her genetically. Mayim Bialik also degraded me publically with White people saying, "Ah ha, I stole your babies. "Ah ha, I stole your life from you. "I stole your alimony."
"Ah ha, you are fucking damned. "Enter the gate of hell. Stupid whore."