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One of My Sons By Mittal's Family Has Been Euthanized By Caleb Ross's Father

One of my sons by Mittal was murdered with euthanasia somewhere in the United States of America. He was euthanized by Caleb Ross's family. I have yet to have evidence for his death. He had trillionaire, billionaire relatives from birth and is no more than Chantay Carter's family and is gifted with death. He was also tainted by Chantay W. Carter and Hana J. Watkins' rape as well as kidnappings throughout his childhood development. In the United States of America, kidnappings, rapes, brutal physical assaults, embezzlements, infanticides, homicides, genocides, mass murders, plagiarism, copyright infringements, abandonment of alimony, cannibalism, AIDS feedings, plummeting real estate equity in California with deed fraud, pedophilia, stalking, and racial taunts are all reserved as behaviors for gene implanted Genevieve Hill, Hana J. Watkins, Chantay W. Carter, Paulette Thomas-Renault, Joi Holmes, Kingsley Mclean, Tina Turner, Darlasha Myers, Annie Windsor, Wendy Hernandez (Her original mother is black African), and Alicia Rodriguez (Alicia has been reported as being a gene implant with dark skin that is hidden). Do not bother killing them. They are doubled and have access to body farms in the United States of America and Europe. (A.I. records). This is the behavior that Mittal's son learned with President Barack Obama signing off and giving approvals, as well as other statesmen, approving these deadly behaviors that also endangered him.

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