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Nicky Mittal. Why Would You Murder My Family, Murder Potential Fiances, Impregnate Me and Evict Me? A.I. Records.

August 12, 2021, Las Vegas, Nevada

Prince Nicky Mittal.

Why did you impregnate me, murder my family, whoever they are, have me evicted, and thwart professional employment?

So you, held my aunt and uncle at gun point, choke them to death, so you could give my away my wardrobe and have me evicted?

Why did you murder potential fiances and decline marriage for 3 years?

Why would you do that?

We barely know each other.

Yet, you continue to follow me around, for over 23 years.

I do surmise that King Bin Laden and you are clearly related.

Now, that cadavers are all over Europe, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, China, and India, please explain to me, what you need from me at this point?

Tell your cousin to call me: 725-577-9247.

Write to me at

Please call me, instead of squandering every thing that I do, and hunting my family, where ever they are.

Please cease in using artificial intelligence, to blind me from your presence. If it is a royal edict, I demand that it be canceled; based on the amount of money that my creativity provides, for the last 10 years.

Now that I am an evict due to Buckingham Palace law, please deeply consider marriage.

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