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My Former High School Classmate Sarah Feuer Slaughtered My Infants

Sunday, April 14, 2024. Sarah Feuer decided to wear a human mask to disguise herself on A.I. record. Sarah Feuer was masked while in my A.I. cabin, putting my infants, children, angels, and husbandry through a bloody massacre on A.I. record. I am acquainted with Sarah Feuer from Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, from the years 1996-1999. After working really hard to ruin my life over the past year, she tried to marry my husband, raped my husband and held him at gunpoint, stole three luxury sports cars from my husband, tried to give my son Lars Jennrich III brain damage-a studder-inducing major retardation. Sarah Feuer also called the cops on me when she saw me teaching and taking graduate classes in Washington, D.C. at American University (2023) and told them that I have a mental disability and that I should not be working, which is illegal and inaccurate. Sarah Feuer also admitted to trying to kill me, to steal my mansions from me and my corporation. Sarah Feuer had also bragged about having sex with my son that she kidnapped from my bedside, after raping me, in the year 2004, For some reason Sarah Feuer decided to become a bloody mass murderer and infanticidist and homocidist, so that she can continue her cult against me. While I was in mourning a white female, contacted me on A.I. implant and told me, "You're fed throw up." The white woman could be Jamie Lee Curtis.

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