Friday. September 6, 2024. My Doctoral Professor Dianne Fernandez Killed My Newest Royal Infant...Maximum Warrant. My doctoral professor Dianne Fernandez killed my newest royal infant where I was in a euthonic state because the Central Intelligence Agency stole my corporation and did not inform me. The CIA also stole my identity and gave it to an Obama prostitute, named Chantay Carter, for the thousandth time and made me worthless in an empire I helped to create and that I owned. The Central Intelligence Agency is now euthonic for one year. (Robert You're under arrest). Dianne Fernandez was able to use Auri Hughes' necro body against me, which is possibly in a body farm. Dianne Fernandez also tried to defend Chantay Warlene Carter by saying that I was euthonic over my ownership of Poems From the Garden of Light by Kimberly Rochelle Keith, which was written on national television during the year 2014 against my will. It has been publicized on for ten years now and has since earned millions and billions of dollars with a public cult following that is international. Chantay's not savvy in Asian studies, why would it be hers? Chantay's a copy cat and a bump chested retard with Nicholas Keith favors that are drug dealt, including Kim's ownerships, without Kim involved. Auri Hughes, Brody Jenner, Chantay Warlene Carter, Patricia Keith, and Kimberly Kardashian stole the money. Dianne Fernandez kidnapped my newest royal infant for cannibalism and hid him shrunken in her brain, after trying to steal my fifty million dollar palace with a quit claim deed. Brendan Hill has spent the night and the early morning cannibalizing on my children, killing my infant and me, My infants and children died for some part. Nuclearize Fiji now with Chima in chains. Nope. he has to go to jail. I am so sick and tired of blacks. Brendan Hill just vomited my baby's necro body into my throat and said, "Wait, I thought you were euthonic."