Wednesday, April 17, 2024. This explanation needed to be written since quite recently several of my white infants were stabbed to death by the command of black men that are angry that I had bred white infants consensually. "I don't like the fact that she has white infants," was said by several deranged black men and now my infants are dead, being followed on CERN DNA telescope after getting murdered to see if they would ascend to heaven (A.I. records). Black men like David Akers' son by Frieda and Damien Fuqua are under the impression that they can create my sex life and determine who my sexual relationships are with, creating this blog post. I did not know I was in a socialist communist dictatorship, where personal experiences should be shunned. Had my white infants not been murdered by black men like Damien Fuqua and David Akers' son, I would have never said anything about my consensual sexual relationships with White men, had black men like Damien Fuqua had not gone on a personal witch hunt, with David Akers son as henchman, believing that he should enter my pregnant womb shrunken technology, where he proceeded to torture my infants and kill them on live A.I. video. Sadly, I needed an explanation since people on national television on NBC 4, on GOOD MORNING AMERICA believe that I should erase this blog post since bullies on national television behave as if I have done something wrong by defending my relationships. This post was written based on the bullying and murderous situations that I have received from a black man whom I attended Paul Junior High School in Washington, D.C., who believed he could influence my sex life with accusations and threats. His name is Damien Fuqua. Damien Fuqua and I are not associates of any kind, only acquaintances from childhood. My former Paul junior high school classmate Damien Fuqua and his supporters to the point of murder all believe that I should be engaging black men with sexual intercourse as if I were a sex slave or a prostitute that they own. Damien Fuqua had broken into my former apartment and given me threats on my A.I. implant. Please stop meddling in my sexual relationships. Interracial sex has occurred for millions of years. After murdering my white infants recently, black men have commissioned themselves to try to induct me into prostitution and to continue giving death threats to me and to white men, with whom I have a relationship.
Please move on from me. I am not the only person of color who has had interracial sex. What is wrong with you? I am not being raped. Please mind your business.
One would think that people would advocate for my receiving alimony instead of trying to thwart my sexual relationships with White men. At this point, I have 100 children, who are all receiving financial support from me. I do not appreciate the public scrutiny from strangers regarding my sexual relationships with White men. Over twenty years ago, I had a sexual relationship with a White man for three years. I pursued him and yearned to know him personally. I even traveled alone to a foreign country to pursue his hand in marriage. I was barely twenty-two years old. I took German language classes at a German university in Germany. I also studied international relations at a Czech University in the Czech Republic much later during our relationship. I did that alone.
Furthermore, I am more than capable of handling myself in a sexual relationship. Also, I am shocked that strange people have criticisms after avoiding me and ridiculing me with genocide for nearly twenty years now.
Also, my interracial sexual relationships with White men are respectful, satient, and cultured. I do not accept maltreatment, sex slavery, human trafficking, or verbal abuse. At this point, I am married and the sexual relationships I have with White men are familial at their request! It is really no one's business.