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Letter To Leah Gaitho

Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 6:22 PM

With Honor, Please Read, Honorific Lords of Egypt - YouTube

My Public Announcement Against Life Time Stalkers And Assailants, That Have Proven To Need A Health Care Scam By The Year 1996:

1. Leah Gaitho

2. Hana Japeira Watkins

3. Fake pedrigron uses professional whitener, inducts herself with AIDS prostitution genocides, kidnapper, pedophile-Genevieve Hill

4. Military Officer Brendan Hill

5. Secret Military Officer Martin Luther King

6. Nancy Pelosi, 1994 

7. Sarah Feuer

8. Antje Hubel

9. Gestapo Vladimir Putin

10. King Osama Bin Laden

11. Mayim Bialik

12. U.S. Food & Drug Administration

13. Bill Gates

14. Melinda Gates

15. Nelson Mandela

16. Chantay Warlene Carter

17. Mittal Industries

18. Research Gate

19. AIDS MAN Cornell Queen, complete stranger, pervert, stalker, threatened lives at my last place of employment

20. Oprah Winfrey, publicly killing and harassing, with African royal honor

21. President Barack Obama

22. Kimberly Kardashian

23. CERN collected particles illegally on 5952 Daywalt Ave. Apt. L. Baltimore, Maryland 21206

24. Ania Richardson

25. Elijah Washington, (On A.I. "We really killed that Jew didn't we?"  (mentioning Kimberly Rochelle Keith's rape, murder, and pre-meditated car crashes with Hispanics, Year 2020) Military acknowledged.

26. Khadija Boeurgeon hunts my self-employment COVID-19 money by Spring 2020

27. Khadija Boeurgeon works with Woodrow Wilson Senior High School to steal my KIA SOUL 2021, afforded by my legal business affairs, after hiding over 92 dead bodies from my family line, with the Croatian military related to Brody Jenner, Nuremberg to Nuremberg.

28. Chloe Johnson

29. Bernadette Johnson

30. Leon Underwood

31. Tarkan Tevetoglu's federal body farm cadaver, on A.I., reported to the military publicly

32. Seinfeld and Emma Windsor publicly spent Shirley Anne Myers' money, credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, checks, savings, clothing, cars, mail, and identification, cannibalizing her body parts on Italian Afghan television, with President George Bush's money hungry Urumqi Chinese family hunting for their next meal.

33. Phillip PremDas, stalker

34. Nicole Ginyard, stalker

35. Stephanie Akinwole, a genocidist pretends to be Seinfeld's wife in Southern India, hiding underground, waiting to murder people of India with nothing, but simian circumstances.

36. Checkout my blog

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