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Lars Jennrich II Killed, Beheaded, and Decapitated My 9-Year-Old Son By Shankar Unjustly. A.I. Record.

On March 12, 2024, it was brought to my attention that one of my children by Shankar had been brutally murdered. The explanation for his murder was that he had left a message about Krishna on the deed to my mansion at 67 Beverly Park Ct., Beverly Hills, California. Well, as a nine-year-old who was raised around a vicious kidnapping, where other people toyed with the deed to my mansion and plummeted the Beverly Hills real estate equity profile by $10,000,000 million. They were never killed for their recorded tribunal felonies of forging signatures on the deed with no financial investment. Moreover, my son Shankar lived in the mansion on a dual authorization, and I was directly involved. He was beheaded. My son's arms and legs were chopped off. He was only nine years old. However, when the crime was committed by black women, such as Hana Watkins (A.I. Record) and Chantay Carter (A.I. Record), who brag about being the wives and prostitutes of prominent men, they lived to try to steal the deed from me day after day, with pedophiliac kidnappings, fraud, and brutality. These women have titles in their background from my CIA profile and my genetic records. Rest in peace, son. Hopefully, we will be able to resurrect you. You did not know right from wrong based on a horrific kidnapping that you experienced during your toddler years. I care about you, and so do other people who heard of your murder. I am praying for you.

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