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Kingsley McClean's Suggestion To Shirley Myers Regarding My Euthanasia

Friday. July 26, 2024.

Teresa Myers told Shirley Myers the following statement, Kingsley said that, "If you buy her a microwave, you can feed her more AIDS vomit."

This is interesting that I have a euthanasia order with all of these people involved.

  1. Is this a Buckingham Palace euthanasia order, from Kate Middleton's embezzling family?

  2. Or is it a Poems From The Garden of Light by Kimberly Rochelle Keith euthanasia order, written by Reginald Scott's son, who is in fear that he can not own my book or it's copyright?

  3. Shirley Anne Myers is on A.I. video being brutally murdered by Avril Pottinger and Auri Hughes's son in a kidnapping, where she believed she would medical help. A clone of Shirley A. Myers wheeled her body from the hospital room where Kate Middleton's fury was exacted with Shirley Anne Myers' brutal death. Now it's all about how much sex Shirley A. Myers will have with Prince William Windsor and King Fahad bin Laden VIII. Who are these men in my life and how do I know them?

  4. Prince William Windsor is on record as my fifth cousin for some time now. Prince William Windsor is also on record as my son somewhere. Prince William Windsor bred me 42 times. Any invite that I could have received he gave Shirley wherewithal for some reason and then later complained about my not receiving the invite, by killing Shirley Myers brutally A.I. records, now they are sex partners.

  5. King Fahad bin Laden VIII is my husband and now he is fucking Shirley A. Myers, after requiring dowry from me. King Fahad bin Laden married 23 other women, none of them had dowry. Eventually, King Fahad bin Laden dies and goes to heaven after being killed by Sarah Feuer, Seinfeld's family, Chantay Carter, El Shaddai Gebreyes, and at another point killed by Alicia Rodriguez and her family. A.I. records.

  6. Seinfeld tried to give me a euthanasia order and accused me of raping his son. Seinfeld's son is actually on A.I. video following me around and breaking and entering into Shirley Myer's apartment to rape me and Seinfeld's son also stalked me to Mary Myer's house in Gambrill's Maryland to rape me there as well. I do not know him and he never announced himself or anything. A.I. records.

Check my videos where I try to get the truth from Shirley. They are on my I-Cloud. I just uploaded two that you should find to be interesting.

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