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I Was Yelled At, "Why Does Kimberly Have More White Counterparts Than Auri?"

When will my life be devoid of the ignoramic universe? I have my own life. Auri has his own life. I do not know why CIA China believes that they need to control me in order to make Auri seem a certain way. Knowing a white person should occur naturally. It should not be a pre-concocted event, like baking a cake!!!! How fucking stupid! I do not necessarily search for white people. I happen to enjoy environments or activities where they may be present. My natural father is white. The whole world knows this about me. My children should not be killed and raped to death, to lose their bodies to fecal secretion drinks, where people in search of a new body believe that they can always kill my children, steal their bodies, and live on. I thought that I was living a free life in the United States of America. Now, I am apparently being dominated by what other people believe I should be doing in my life socially, sexually, financially, and geographically. I am not from Turkey. I am not a Turkish citizen. I never was. I am not a prostitute. I never was. I was born in the United States of America and I never intended on living like a communist. My DNA is also being stolen in the interim. I am 2% Hawaiian for some reason all of a sudden. Mittal's family and other individuals continue stealing my DNA, and they are trying to turn me into something that I am not racially. Why is Auri even being compared to me? I invited Auri to spend his leisure time at my real estate property in Beverly Hills for nothing. My home is worth over fifty million dollars. Now Auri repays me by having CIA China rape and kill my children, while covering me in fecal matter and letting a monkey laboratory man that looks like a black man, kill me and my apartment with full blown shit bombs. The rooms in my apartment are also discomparted as if they are separate establishments, each with their own value. The apartment is mine alone! For some reason cannibals valued each room, and believed that the room with the lowest dollar value would be the cannibal feed. Why am I in an experiment, after having spent fifty three million dollars on a mansion in Newport Beach, California?

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