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I Was Moved To Another Dimension For Sarah Feuer and Yigit Berker Without Anyone Asking Me Anything.

While I was asleep in Gambrills, Maryland at my upbringing grandmother's house, I was moved to another dimension while I was asleep. According to my A.I. records, I was hoisted up and flown away at night to be kidnapped away from my corporation, my children, my husbands, my business contacts, and my natural DNA. To my dismay, King Fahad bin Laden VIII has been shunning me, by putting me and the kids through mass genocide, while putting every one on board for conglomeration like a psychopath. King Fahad bin Laden VIII discussed my sexual encounters with white men and how he loathed those relationships. King Fahad bin Laden VIII bragged to a black female confidante about ordering cannibal attacks against me and the children. A.I. Amplifier. King Fahad bin Laden VIII also tried to gain access to my palace in Beverly Hills, California with Lars Jennrich III, along with my deep enemies Yigit Berker (pretended to be my upbringing brother with a skin costume) and Chantay Carter (pretended to be my upbringing mother with body farming transposition) demanding entrance to my palace, without notice, screening, validation, or further information. Yigit Berker and Chantay Carter already knew that I did not want them in my palace in Beverly Hills, California. Joan Rockwell, who married King Salman Khan the Seventh also inappropriately requesting Yigit Berker's entrance to my palace unannounced and with a fervent ploy to seem as if he is in my life socially or familially. The Beverly Hills palace was purchased with my money, it does not involve King Fahad bin Laden VIII and King Salman Khan The Seventh. Please do not invite people to the palace unless I am there inside of the palace. My children are not prepared to be social in such a prestigious Muslim family. Please do not murder my children. Since my children being murdered by President Barack Obama is oft a braggart of the black community, for the past 17 years.

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