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I Do Not Want An A.I. Chamber! This Is Not My A.I. Chamber.

I am so sick of this A.I. chamber. This A.I. chamber really belongs to Auri. It is not mine. Furthermore, there is no chance to have any privacy while having one. I do not want people living in my A.I chamber and seeing my every move. I can not maintain a private life with an A.I. chamber. I want it removed as soon as possible. I never requested it! It has only been used to kidnap me thus far. I have only seen people get murdered brutally, inclding infants. For example, a man that had a summone againts me, calling me a Turkish citizen, really physically abused an infant that was inside of the A.I. chamber. The infant's head and face had been covered in acid, and his mouth was elongated and his skin were displaced to give him a serious deformity, where he would look like a freak of nature. I tried my best to get twnety billion dollars to the kidnappers, once I saw how far they will willing to go in deforming and murdering an infant.

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