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Someone Is Digging In My Files

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

In the words of my kidnappers:

  1. "I will just euthanize you by activating the euthon gene. "You don't own the Royal Khan annuity."

  2. "You filthy bum."

  3. Later, while I was looking at clothes and toiletry items on Amazon, a comment was made about how much that money could assist Shirley in getting dental work.

I supposedly have a euthonic gene in me from Saudi Arabia, where my original father, who is one of the Princes of Iran, agreed to plant it in me since Harold L. Keith Jr. and Shirley Myers agreed to care for me, then following their agreement with a possible kidnapping. The euthon gene in the United States of America is not legal. The euthonic gene means that if you are still living with the person that placed the euthonic gene in you at birth then you can euthonize them for living with you or depending on you financially. However, Shirley is on record as having limited my opportunities to be royal, to live abroad, to socialize, to accept husbands, to care for my children, and to accept job offers. For some reason, people continue calling Shirley and contacting her regarding particular opportunities for some reason. Shirley does not have anything in writing that would give her this power over me.

It was also announced on the Steve Harvey game show, Family Feud, that my kidnapping goes back to the Civil Rights Movement before I was born. This is not the first time that I have heard this statement.

For some reason, living on disability money is a curse for me, but for other people by 30,000,000 million times is just a circumstance until they find work. Only I am treated with a Holocaust level of disdain when regarding the earning of disability income in the United States of America. It is not illegal to work, care for your own child, own a business, or own an annuity while on disability. When I was not on disability and living in Baltimore, Maryland, and Las Vegas, Nevada; I died, after being abused by Paulette Renault, Genevieve Hill, Chantay Carter, Hana Watkins, etc.

Shirley is on an A.I. record fully consuming a dead child in a hospital. The child weighed around 130 pounds and appeared to be of South Asian descent.

In any case, I am only on disability because the hired military of Honorable King Salmon Khan XII delayed the delivery of my assets, some of which are self-originated. The hired military declined to adhere to the demands of King Salmon Khan XII and of King Fahad bin Laden VIII, based on Joi Holmes being supported by CIA and military operative Nicholas Keith, who continues thwarting my ownership of my assets by blocking the delivery of my financial accounts, the deeds to my mansions, and my marriage licenses. I have so far had to listen to my kidnappers berate me, and eventually listen to the murders of my children, wherever they are. After, the hired military of the Naval force of the United States of America were sequestered with murder, dying for President Biden, who continues to follow Nicholas Keith; I went from being one of the Queens of Saudi Arabia to a wild animal in the wilderness, listening to taunts from women that have oppressed me for over 20 years, knowing that I was born in a kidnapping and using it to their advantage.

Everyone has enjoyed my palatial mansion 67 Beverly Hills Ct., Beverly Hills, California, along with Auri Hughes my upbringing brother, and my upbringing uncle by marriage, Retired Major Reginald Scott, who may have been kidnapped in the interim.

In the interim, I have been listening to my children get murdered on A.I. implant, while strange people beg to own my palatial mansion for nothing, such as Chantay Carter and El Shaddai Gebreyes, by trying to force me to agree to give them my $2,000,000,000 billion palatial mansion at no charge, offering nothing but harassment and death threats. Not even moving 20,000 miles away solved this problem, my supposed kidnapping since birth. I moved to Turkey by the year 2015, to look for employment and was stalked by my former high school classmates (with whom I am never in contact) and my upbringing brother, Auri Hughes.

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