Federica Almeida is under arrest for trying to steal my immediate belongings from my current location. Federica Almeida is spending time in Reginald's new mansion in Las Vegas, Nevada to frame Aethyrs from having money and prestige, even as a meager level of financiering frontally. It is more than Federica thought that Aethyrs could spend, which castigates a realization in Reginald's mind about housing Federica instead of Aethyrs for three years. Federica can not earn more in income and does not need better ideals than Aethyrs' billionaire conceptualization which became a reality without the Royal Khan annuity involved.
"She not only wields money frontally but castigates Dorila Almeida for trying to steal Aethyrs's daughter's French palace from her without any financial investment of any kind."
"Kimberly never told that she owned the French Palace, "Le Vesinet," on the books without a mortgage, paying any bill that her daughter owned, and providing money."
"Lars, just because Frieda invited you to Kimberly's mansion does not mean that you can frontally own anything that Kimberly has. "You never married Kimberly Lars. "You would have had to have been married for a least two years for these demands to have some kind of acknowledgment. "Kimberly has her own money without King Fahad involved, or your sons, or you."
"Emma is my daughter Lars. "And you think that you can demand money?" "Lars Jennrich you are under arrest if you do more." February 19, 2024, 5:00 PM.