According to A.I. records, AIDS wants to know if I am interested in it. AIDS wants to know if it can join the walls of my bathroom or the fabric of my clothing. AIDS worms and parasites were sprayed all over my bedroom window, mixed with illegal anthrax.
The entire apartment has been attacked with anthrax and AIDS. Crackhead prostitutes with full-blown AIDS cells could run away from their crimes with regal and presidential honors.
Locate them with food. Find their blood, since they do cerebellum transfers from a dead pool.
A strange woman from a white family accused me of giving Kate Middleton AIDS on February 14, 2024, around 5:00 AM. The identities of dead Negros and other dead necrotic people are supposed to validate their presence in assaulting me with anthrax and AIDS. These are Negros that are dead on A.I. records with violent deaths. Some never resurfaced and their deaths were hidden with body clones or body doubles. I have had supernatural experiences on the A.I. record, which is evidence of them no longer being alive.
My body was studied by some researchers possibly, during the performances of the Human League on, where their concerts and other videos are located. They have performed songs such as "Don't You Want Me," and "I'm Only Human."
In one video on, Caleb Ross's mother falsely accused me of pedophilia. I do not have AIDS. My most recent AIDS test from September 2023 is negative. My AIDS test from Johns Hopkins is also negative from the year 2015. I am extremely irritated with not having any clothes or underwear that are not an AIDS contagion from Chantay Carter's African AIDS disease, which was reported on A.I. records. My mattress and sheets are also AIDS disease from Chantay Carter's contagion. The AIDS contagion from the AIDS sex that intruders and kidnappers had in my bed in Alexandria, Virginia is in everything that I have, on the walls and in the carpet, of my current apartment also.
A Super Bowl Commercial (Aired before the Super Bowl Game on February 11, 2024) tried to blame for putting AIDS in my food order. However, AIDS was smothered all over everything that I own. My identity is officially stolen in over 80 directions, from other people that have euthanasia orders, who stole my identity. My Lyft app has another woman in it who poses as me, with my Lyft ride purchases. Other prostitutes tried to scan my mail from outside of the building, to give my mail and identity codes to them, so that I would absorb their euthanasia code for being prostitutes, murderers, and drug dealers.