Thursday, May 16, 2024. El Shaddai Gebreyes or her daughter showed up yesterday to my emancipated son's apartment in Chantilly Fields Apartments in Chantilly, Virginia. El Shaddai Gebreyes or her daughter by Seinfeld demanded money from my son, after kidnapping him. She also demanded to see his account number. She kidnapped him and killed him after smothering him with AIDS disease and crushing his head in with blunt force traumas. El Shaddai Gebreyes' family made sure to have sex with King Fahad bin Laden's necrotic body which is filled with necro semen, giving birth to the eggs of my enemies, who have nothing much for a lifetime, but embezzlement and mass genocide. Another relative of El Shaddai Gebreyes was inside of my apartment in a shrunken state to spy on me, I have her on A.I. video. My trillionaire son Lars Jennrich III passed away, after being killed by El Shaddai Gebreyes who is highly regarded in Buckingham Palace by King Charles, who celebrated Lars Jennrich The Third's death, after positioning the Ethiopic crack whore on another throne in Buckingham Palace. Rescind Buckingham Palace right now, every one. Rescind King Al-Fayoum The Eighth and The Ninth. I am now divorced from King Fahad bin Laden VIII for being a dead body. Every one has since been rescinded from any gifts that I have given to them. They have been rescinded by the American government for knowing that the earth knew Kimberly fully loved her son and encouraged every day. Chantay Warlene Carter threatened to cannibalize on my son's dead body. Annie Windsor just threatened to kill everyone that I know so that she can "make me black."
Annie Windsor just bragged about cannibalizing on Lars Jennrich The Third's hand and saying how delicious his hand tasted.