Yigit Berker and Sarah Feuer are working around the clock to stay on top of my every move, which is delusional. Fucking delusional. Yigit Berker has been breaking inside of my new apartment rummaging through my things and stealing from me. Sarah Feuer also wants to be viewed as being pivotal in my corporation. Sarah Feuer tells people lies about my corporation's development not really being involved legally and not really knowing much about any of it, only trying to act like she is proctoring me, after stealing my husband with a kidnapping with over twenty three other women, that know of me and never really felt like they needed me for association. However, they all had a diabolical plot to steal my net worth and assets assuming that it was from King Fahad bin Laden VIII.
Anyways, I have been moved to another dimension in my sleep after spending time at my upbringing grandmother's house.