He wants an idiotic whore for a mother and realizes that I own 92 billion dollars which is not related to the Royal Khan annuity. Everyone is spending the Royal Khan annuity and I am not, with my name on the statements. Chelsea Clinton and Chantay Carter are both spending my Royal Khan annuity money. It was rumored that people in my upbringing family were also spending my annuity money as well. It is Nicholas Fayoum's fault for believing that I was inadequate and a basket case. He did no real research for himself and ended up halfway blind with crackheads that kidnapped him and killed him at a meat packing plant. I did not have any monkey-level favors now I am being called a basket case. To me, his body has been dead for some time and was overtaken by people who know how to snatch bodies in put them in body farms. It can be proven.
"Die For Being Successful," said Nicholas Fayoum.
Updated: Feb 13, 2024