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Colin Powell Accused Me For Ketia Thomas, My Former Elementary School Classmate.

May 16, 2022. Colin Powell accused me of having stolen items in my private apartment complex that I funded and absorbed with my self-created corporations, on file at the IRS, where I am already annunciated as a trillionaire on record, over 3 years ago, on live national television. I was also announced as the owner of the Dow Stock Exchange on live television by 2021, I suppose Colin Powell, Condaleeza Rice, and President Obama, along with their African family members believed that genocide with fraudulent euthanasia demands, on behalf of Officer Reginald Scott, Ketia Thomas, Croatian Military, that are always planning mass murders with ghetto black retards with AIDS, that were planning my murder, since I was in the third grade, at a minimum, by 1991, they were all murdering me with Buckingham Palace, publically on national television, with Osama Bin Laden, Leah Gaitho, and the striving, conniving Jocelyn Watkins. My esteem in this fraudulent country of mass murder, called the United States of America, is smeared with harassment, with no better honor than a bum prostitute on 16th st with no work record nor IQ level. Black prostitutes are honored above me in this country, called, "The United States of America," where only prostitution, nepotism, and drug deals, with pure thievery, is all there really is, a dead man's land, a wasteland. The greatest White Aryans knew it would be so, successfully leaving the planet, freeing themselves from the lack of human existence, with superior intellect. 

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