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Chantay's Children Are Entering My Apartment With Invisible Threaded Suits

On A.I. record and A.I. video, Chantay Carter's child has been entering my apartment with an invisible threaded suit. He puts AIDS vomit on everything and listens to my conversations. Another black child lives in the apartment above me, he is also Chantay Carter's child and pretends not to be kidnapped by the same Ethiopian woman who insults me in kind with the South Asians and the East Asians in the building. These same people also continually insult and parlay death threats to law enforcement and U.S. Military officers openly without fear. They are aware of how necrotic Northern Virginia deities are, their families, and their likenesses. They have never gone under arrest. The Ethiopian woman who kidnapped Chantay's child believed that she could own one of my palatial mansions by kidnapping him and arriving there. The South Asians in the building believe that they can be influential in my financial life by adopting my children born from rape and killing them in the apartments. I am listening to the conversations that they are having in the apartment complex where I am staying.

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