Wednesday. October 2, 2024. Khadija Bourgeon targeted me for CERN and the United States of America government allowed Khadija Boergeon to euthanize my upbringing mother Shirley A. Myers, my genetic son by Charles Banks-Nicholas Guthrie, my genetic body double who looked liked me, my son EMRU from Turkish-Spanish DNA, my sons Princes bin Laden, my grandsons Princes Mittal, my upbringing uncle Charles Banks, my religious White prophets of encouragement "Jesus Christs of Europe," my clones Shirley A. Myers, my ex-boyfriend Lars Jennrich, my upbringing aunt CIA diplomat and wife of former Brigadier Reginald Scott-Frieda Scott, my upbringing uncle Former Brigadier Reginald Scott, my royal white infants by Windsor, my toddlers by Prince William Windsor, even Naval officers were murdered, Khadija Boergeon's Harvard University son who is Nuremberg (dead), with "Khadija Boergeon" living on me financially and I under assault daily. Kingsley and Frieda are no more since 1993 and I don't know why Frieda would try to become you and be in Buckingham Palace living on William. Uruguay took over the earth and left you here. My body double is in Tangier, Morrocco. I am not part animal. Your region needed DNA proteins from my body and you stole them and tried to give me your animal ancestry. I am human for over a million years. If you hate animals, why do you partner Africans in your theft, that clearly know they are animal related, including Ethiopians and blacks from Washington, D.C..