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Cerebellum Boy Auri Considered Killing Me For My 401k Four Years Ago

At the time I was teaching in Fairfax County, Virginia. I had a 401k of $43,000 in total savings. It was not much to me. However, to my half-brother, it was a ton. He is on A.I. recorder, pondering my murder, in order to steal my former 401k savings. "Forty three thousand dollars, that's enough for me to kill you," was his take on my new life as a teacher in the year 2019. Over the years, Auri is on A.I. recorder stealing over $2,000,000 million dollars from me. Some of it was my writer's pay, other pay was my annuity, other pay was alimony and Auri stole every dime and bragged about it, leaving me destitute. Auri is on A.I. video being dragged around in a plastic bag, so he can be eaten for food. I have these A.I. videos of. Auri being dragged around in a plastic bag as a carcass in Chantilly, Virginia, Gambrills, Maryland, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Several of my former public school classmates (Brendan Hill (Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in Washington, D.C.) and Dominique Thomas (Alexander Shepherd Elementary School in Washington, D.C.) were on A.I. video eating Auri alive or eating his body for food on camera. Auri is also in a surgical room being transposed cerebrally. So, now I am among real predators. A.I. video.

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