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Calling Me An Invalid Is Inaccurate, Improper, and Futile.

I was told that someone in the government calls me "invalid." First of all, based on my ability to attract prominent statesmen's wives to my six-figure job opportunities by working in those positions, means that calling me an invalid is only a divisive ploy to steal from my assets. Why call me an invalid after giving me someone else's anthrax order on an illegal basis? Why call me invalid and then smother my groceries in feces, fart, ear wax, and urine, while I am at work, and then accuse me of being an invalid? Why say that I am an invalid after unleashing an AIDs airborne contagion from a prostitute's body in my new apartment, and smear all over the walls? Why say that I am an invalid after trying to steal my wealth-based assets with foreign laws in other third-world countries and try to run off with my fortune and real estate equity? In fact, why even call me an invalid with full-blown prostitutes curing their own full-blown AIDS disease in the privacy of their own homes, while spreading full-blown AIDS through rape to children and infants? That is hypocrisy.

If you cared that I could be invalid, why try to confiscate billions of dollars and real estate property that is in my name, and claim that you are a guardian, but then decline to provide food, transportation, residence in my palatial mansions, medical care, clothing, toiletries., or a minimum of 75% of the money that you know I have? Instead, you want to lie about my physical condition with no compensation after the rape and illegal murder attempts I suffered and provide absolutely nothing, which is not an invalid status or a legal guardian status. "Why can't we say the naysayers, it's from the Royal Khan annuity?" The account statements for the Royal Khan annuity have been in my name for almost three years now, with me as next of kin, which means that it is mine. It is not a public fund, where abusers can give themselves gifts and cash. Also, I have money and real estate equity that are not related to the Royal Khan annuity in any way. People assume that they can lie and steal for some reason, while not being related to my son in any way.

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