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Buckingham Should Not Be Inviting El Shaddai

Recently, my infants, my fetuses, and my children have all endured additional genocidal events, watching each other pass away because El Shaddai Gebreyes has accused me of never taking a college class in person and because Kimberly Kardashian is being reprieved every hour for nine years, and is really euthonic. Military statement. Bill Naylor commented and said that he is going to give my blog to Kimberly Kardashian. Kimberly Kardashian is so an irritant in my life for over twenty fucking years, that if you continue this asinine judgement where you think I should be enslaved to Kimberly Kardashian's physiological well-being and her financial survival, I will personally involve the demons from hell and I will command them to become Kimberly Kardashian and steal from her, the way that Kimberly Kardashian believes she should steal from me, body parts, money, organs. I will commandeth that Kimberly Kardashian fight with Angel Satan to claim her existence in life and after death. Stealing from me is not recommended. By God, not even white men of heaven were secured with national security, but Kimberly Kardashian was sealed to be above the law and never endure legal punishment of any kind, but to go on with her life beyond eternal whites that descend from the foundations of civilization. Not even they could secure themselves against the nuclear technological assaults. Kimberly Kardashian is a serious criminal and I can prove it with A.I. records and A.I. videos. Kimberly Kardashian is the new chosen one, not Jesus Christ. Kimberly Kardashian has been elevated above angel people, even White Germans. How is she getting by every time she has a major crime. CERN and MITRE should be giving Kimberly Kardashian the AIDS vomit hypothalamus with the feces brain that they try to give to me.. El Shaddai Gebreyes has never attended Harvard University. El Shaddai Gebreyes has no bachelor's degree and never has. El Shaddai Gebreyes has focused on trying to diminish my certified bachelor's degree from Ashford University by saying that I was a plagiarist, since the year 2010, shortly before her shenanigans in the occupation of Europe, prevented me from receiving royal alimony and royal housing from my blood lined genetic relative Prince William Windsor, who is influenced heavily by El Shaddai Gebreyes, Oprah Winfrey, and Condaleeza Rice. El Shaddai you have no degree please step down from Buckingham Palace Membership. The palace is in my name and I never show up because I am not arrogantly trying to command a European society, no matter how White European my blood tests reveal that my DNA is in truth. Nicholas Keith always honored El Shaddai Gebreyes no matter how she stole from my identity or embezzled money from my alimony from Mughals and stole my cloned body to be pretend to be me in France on national television, where El Shaddai Gebreyes spent all of her time with my natural children from of descent of India, even stealing their bodies and becoming them in India as a Hindu deity, a body from my natural womb. A.I. records. Kimberly Kardashian also tortured my body from a grave site and ripped out White European DNA from my body. A.I. records. Isn't that evil? That is evile a shit! Now Germans are scoffing.

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