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Brigadier Reginald Scott Killed Cherubim Angels And Hid Them In His House...Kate Middleton Discovers Them. A.I. Records.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Brigadier Reginald Scott found cherub angels that were found to be half Prince Mittal and half Aziagiar. They were soaked in formaldehyde and hidden in trash bags in Reginald's mansion in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kate Middleton found them in Reginald's home and took them to another location, where the cherubs were housed in trash bags. Kate Middleton asked me if I would take him back since he was found in the apartment. I initially declined because I wondered if he had an A.I. implant or a contagion. I eventually agreed to his release. I approved him for receiving a billion dollars from my account since he is in fear of living at 67 Beverly Park Ct., Beverly Hills, California, 90210.

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