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Bill Naylor, Jehovah's Witness Elder, Prostitutes Emma Roth, Chantay W. Carter's Black Jew Daughter! A.I. Records.

Emma Roth loves to steal from my accounts.

Emma Roth can live in Mary Claritha Myers' house, free of charge, whenever she wants.

Emma Roth can sleep at Shirley Anne Myers' apartment, whenever she wants.

Emma Roth lived with my uncle Robert Myers, as teenage wife!

Emma Roth received money in my name from Buckingham Palace, with Prince William's approval.

Emma Roth is Prince William's favorite sexual experience.

Emma Roth needs to continually steal from me, no matter what it is or where I am on earth!

Emma Roth needs to have sexual affairs and prostitution affairs with Vladimir Putin and Nazi Commanders, even with blacker skin than mine, that she hides. She has 18 sisters with the same name. One Emma Roth married the interstellar hypocrite, Jesus Christ, the black skinned.

Bill Naylor and Evelyn Naylor are selling Emma Roth for prostitution money.

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