Bill Naylor, Reginald Rush, Brendan Hill and the Jehovah's Witness Congregation of Fairfax, Virginia are fraudulently blaming me for Shirley Myers' murder. First of all, the various murders that Shirley Myers endured were all on video tape! None of the videos have me in them! SO, Reginald Rush, Bill Naylor, and Brendan Hill are lying on me specifically because they see me as vulnerable, surrounded, and that no one will listen to me. The A.I. videos and A.I. records are under the log in A.I. Kim Keith. The hired military of King Salman Khan the Twelfth of the U.S. Navy of Norfolk have the password.
I have an A.I. video of Shirley Anne Myers being murdered by Avril Pottinger. Avril Pottinger is a white female that may have been Auri A.J. Hughes' wife, girlfriend, or sexual interest.
Avril Pottinger is on A.I. video killing Shirley Myers with an axe, where Avril Pottinger chops off Shirley's arms, drinks Shirley's blood, shoots Shirley, stabs Shirley and punished her verbally for being on Social Security Disability for over 25 years.
Shirley Myers' dead body was wheeled away by a clone that looked just like her, which is also on A.I. video.
Kate Middleton and Avril Pottinger are cousins.
Kate Middleton is on A.I. record, with her conversations recorded, making the following statements: A. "I do not like that Kimberly is earning a master's degree in comfort. "Teaching for a living is not her background. "Shirley is on Social Security, so Kimberly should be on Social Security as well. "Kill the mother because Kimberly is teaching for a living. "Kill the mother." Then, there were shouts and screams of British people chanting Kate Middleton's words, "Kill the mother! "Kill the mother!"
The African man that lives next door to Shirley Myers is on A.I. video eating one of Shirley Myers' legs for food, after it had been cooked. Shirley Myers' leg was then eaten by her African next door neighbor at building 13938 Rockland Village dr., Chantilly, Virginia, 20151.
There is also an A.I. record of a Jehovah's Witness named Winifred, that punished Shirley verbally saying, "I don't know why she thinks that I am her friend, because I lent her one thousand dollars. She got cannibalized on because she is poor. No one at the congregation wants a poor person for a friend. That is why they killed her and ate her for food." Teach Now's organization has heard the tapes or the A.I. records of Winifred, the Jehovah's Witness of Centreville Congregation in Fairfax, Virginia on Jermantown rd., making these statements.
Istanbul, Turkey is also on A.I. video handling Shirley Myers' body parts, with her alive. Istanbul, Turkey cannibalized on Shirley Myers' arms and other parts of her body. The proof is on A.I. video. Chantay Warlene Carter's black relative is also on A.I. video murdering Shirley and cannibalizing on her arms and other parts of her body. Brendan Hill also cannibalized on Shirley Myers' body and is on A.I. video cannibalizing on Auri Hughes' body, after carrying him around dead in a plastic bag at Rockland Village dr., Chantilly, Virginia, 20151. Shirley Myers' neighbor Baik, is also on A.I. video on Shirley Myer's body. Shirley Myers' dead body is handled in Istanbul, Turkey and wrapped up in a white cloth. Children from my womb went to Istanbul, Turkey and were lured there, thinking that they would be on vacation. On A.I. video, another one of my Turkish sons was stabbed to death with a Javelin in his thigh, based on Turkish men in his life or in his family demanding large sums of money from me based on my wealth factor.
Turkish people and Mexican people were also pivotal in trying to inhibit my living with Shirley Myer's mother, Mary Myers, because it would make me seem too prominent and more prominent than other women in their communities that had no college degree, including Dorila Almeida, that goes by the name Dorila Freeman and tries to euthanize me and steal every thing that I have with fraudulent claims. Dorila is always queing Shirley Myers through her ear device the way that Donald Trump's Vanderpump friend or relative did. "Remember, taste, talk about food. "Hmmm, isn't that good, don't you want some food?"
Shirley Myers was also fed propofol by Noodles and Company in Chantilly, Virginia, during the year 2023. A.I. records. I do not have any thing to do with that.
Brendan Hill, my former high school class mate is on record on A.I. video as having semen on Shirley Myers' dead body in a You Tube video, where Shirley Myers Buckingham you owe Kimberly eighty thousand a day for 20 days for continually lying about who kills Shirley and never fessing up to who kills her that continually calls her on the phone pretending to be friendly. They stole her body from me after she had been killed. Her body was shown cerebrally speaking Russian before she had been killed.
Picture on the way.