Bill Clinton congratulated my royal abdicacy mom, Shirley, for not giving me my Royal Khan annuity kit, which contains a minimum of one thousand billion dollars. The hired military advocated for my frontal ownership of my Royal Khan annuity. However, Bill Clinton stifled my spending time frontally by encouraging Shirley not to give me my annuity kit. Bill Clinton, plus other people such as Joi Holmes and Auri Hughes, have since made a million plans on how they intend to spend my inheritance where I am next of kin with me receiving nothing. When I disassociated from the Royal Khan annuity and decided to wield my own money, various people tried to enter my account, which I labeled as writer's pay, which is for me only since I earned money by having different corporate clients. And finally, complementing Shirley must be some voodoo.
Bill Clinton Congratulated My Royal Abdicacy Mom
Updated: Mar 13, 2024