Saturday. September 7, 2024. Saturday, September 7, 2024. Aubrey Windsor, who claims to be Prince William Windsor’s second cousin made the following statements:
“I used the Geneva Convention against you because you came on to Prince William sexually on a public basis on the internet.”
It was a poem only. The Geneva Convention should not have been used to put me through mass genocide. It is now out lawed by the U.S. Navy. Thanks.
2. As a rebuttal, Prince William Windsor was taught to say that I am his fifth cousin. However, when Prince William Windsor discovered the declarations of wealth, he wanted to be known as my son.
3. I have over 40 (forty) children by Prince William Windsor, who was introduced to me by the time I was eight years old during my abdicacy from Iran, Egypt, Ireland, plus Saudi Arabia, and was told that he was my cousin and that I was obligated to breed him as a sexual mate. I was born the princess of Iran, princess of Ireland, Queen of Egypt, Queen of Saudi Arabia as documented in a federal record by the year 1983.
4. Prince William Windsor is also the people’s prince, with strange black women declaring that they are all sexual with Prince William and demanding sexual relations with Prince William through rape and breeding black offspring that never had dowry, nill of an ancestral basis, only poverty, crack, and AIDS. Women such as Irvina White, Chantay Warlene Carter, Daynera Thomas, Mackeyza Brown, Genevieve Hill, Hana Japeira Watkins, and Paulette Thomas(Renault).
5. I take total offense to Prince William Windsor and Aubrey Windsor mass genociding my friends, my family, and my guardian angels, using us as specimen, after Prince William Windor used my womb and it’s children as body suits to be collected for eternal life in a body farm, even as infants.
6. My daughter, Gufi Mittal believed that she should put me in my place by using the Geneva Convention against me (Mass Genocide) for writing a love poem to Prince William and putting it on the internet after Prince William Windsor did the following:
Prince William Windsor performed sexual intercourse over 42 forty two times with me personally, since the year 1990.
Prince William Windsor bred children through my womb with live impregnation over 42 forty two times, since the year 1990.
Prince William Windsor went on live national television and bragged about having a sexual relationship with me where I could be dominated with rape and pregnancy. Prince William Windsor bragged about this in Europe, India, and the United States of America on live national television.
Prince William Windsor wrote a book called Scarlett Letter, where I was mentioned as being arrogant and like Anne Boleyn.
Prince William Windsor was also reinitiated with my recommendation after being killed in a kidnapping.
Prince William Windsor was also shot in the stomach during the funeral of the Queen of England during the year 2022 in England.
Prince William Windsor also recenly confessed to committing suicide and wanting to die and achieving it on record.
Prince William Windsor also showed up to my uncle’s town home in Las Vegas, Nevada and in my apartment in Baltimore, Maryland to have sex in the year 2020 and in the year 2021, to impregnate me, and so that I would suck on his penis, to alleviate him of his STD suffering with HIV AIDS. I knew that I would not contract it and sought to heal him with love making therapy, on his request to bind in genetic likeness.
I had also hired Prince William Windsor to work with my blog business and corporation as a treasurer, which was filed at Legal Zoom.
I had also hired Prince William Windsor to serve as broker witness of my real estate purchase where he was paid one billion dollars from my business profits, which has beed declared to me personally from busines partners at I Am God Code Corporation to over see my purchase of 67 Beverly Park Ct., Beverly Hills, California, 90210.
I was born the princess of Iran, Ireland, Queen of Egypt, and the Queen of Saudia Arabia. My natural parents are royals, including my natural father (as recorded in 1983 on federal record) who is the Prince of Iran and the King of Ireland.
(Prince William Windsor's secretion and feces was found in the picture below, where the "repugnant and objectionable poem" was written that discusses Prince William Windsor as my love mate and the father of some of my children, Year 2020). Please stop genociding my family, friends, children, guardian angels, and me myself. Please stop decapitating my cervix and body.
(You can view the videos that I have on the subject, which displays the specimen, including necrotic. and
Tell the Japanese Government to show the video tapes of Prince William Windsor defecating on my back, while naked. Also show the other tapes of Prince William Windsor having sex with me asleep. The police officer from Europe called me a liar and decided to blunt force trauma my child by King Fahad bin Laden VIIII. Show the video tapes as far as Norway only.