Aubrey Watkins and Ariel Watkins are working with Nicholas Keith and his son by me to smother me in their filthy prostitution AIDS vomit. These nasty women are under the impression that my existence is here for them to dump their AIDS innards in my body, like it's a trash can. These are the steps that a filthy black woman would take when they need to steal from you and kill you and your family:
Vomiting AIDS in your bathtub after breaking with a CIA operative's approval and a military marine's approval.
Putting their HIV, Herpetic Anuses on my toilet and using it, after breaking in and entering with the help of government officials in the United States Marines and in the CIA, like Reginald Scott and Nicholas Keith.
They are smothering my food with full-blown AIDs vomit and AIDS feces anthrax.
These same filthy full-blown AIDS prostitutes are also releasing filthy AIDS and ebola strains into my apartment, which prostitutes assume they can steal my underwear and my clothing, while bragging about murdering my infants, who I planned on taking to my palace in Beverly Hills, California.
Someone else is smothering my food with rat poison and bragging about it while spending the Royal Khan Annuity that I inherited from my son and his family.
Walt Whitman students also reported that Frieda Scott and Reginald Scott commanded that they stalk me and watch me in my apartment.
Aubrey Watkins and Ariel Watkins try to put me through euthanasia while being full-blown AIDS prostitutes that I have never met. They are lying to people and saying that I am their mother to steal from me, kill my family, disease me, and to achieve any ultimate subjugation that a barbaric prostitute would think of, to survive.
I do not know any of these women. They are stalking me to oppress me and kill me so that they can reap a financial and social benefit they would have never had, based on intellectual aptitude and ancestry.
Secretive murder, infanticides, pure genocide, so that filthy full-blown AiDs women can murder everyone for being smarter than them and knowing to treasure their bodies.
They are also forcing my skull to shatter.
My jawline bone was broken off after I was shrunken inside of my bedroom.
My food nutrients and vitamin nutrients were also depleted and my cells were made to look as if I had never eaten the things that I had eaten, including Himalayan salt, vegan organic multi-vitamins, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and oils.
Nuclear particles destroy the utmost refinements. My laptops kill me, they kill my friends. Humans lost their lives in Chantilly, Virginia, Gambrills, Maryland, and Baltimore, Maryland, not knowing that nuclear particles would kill them and separate them from their bodies and their lives, shifting their consciousness to food and not to their own bodies, just to make filthy full-blown crackhead shit niggers feel as if they were not objectionable to the gods they pretend to worship.
Aubrey Watkins and Ariel Watkins also ordered that shrunken absorption men or MITRE Men directly poison my brain with AIDS vomit, AIDS secretion that has locusts in it, and fecal matter.
Aubrey Watkins and Ariel Watkins also busted nano in my toilet so that fecal matter would jump in my mouth and face.
Aubrey Watkins and Ariel Watkins also smothered my bathroom sink in vomit. My kitchen sink is also smothered in vomit.
My dirty frying pan had a human belly button in it, from a child of mine that she killed with an illegal and erroneous euthanasia genocide.
She also lives on my money for some reason, this is the same money that should have been available to me by now.
There is also feces being teleported to my ginger tea, where I put ginger in my new electronic kettle-feces was floating around in it.
I can't use shampoo, conditioner or toothpaste without CIA Nicholas Keith, CIA Patricia Keith, CIA Osiris Keith, CIA Amanda Mullis or Mullins approving AIDs vomit to be placed inside of my toiletries.
My newest comforter and sheet set from has AIDS herpes from a nigger's prostitution anuses.
Seinfeld has a euthanasia relative who swore he was like me. No one asked me anything and injected him in my body genetically. We are nothing alike and his genes and his being is still present in my body.
My new underwear is gone, over 60 pairs of underwear.
My cotton dresses are gone, all stolen. They were from and were only a year old.
My citizenship was stolen as if I was never born here, which was Chelsea Clinton's idea since she was angry that I reported her multi-millions in theft from my mailbox and proved it with tape recordings.
Bill Clinton is also under the impression that I am responsible for the financial well-being of him and his daughter Chelsea Clinton. I never met either one of them beyond kidnapping or assault. Shirley Myers is just a dead body, a necrotic murder victim (proven in A.I. records, Youtube videos, and television) that does whatever Bill Clinton, Bill Naylor, Renault, Paulette Thomas (invisible threaded suits), Chantay Warlene Carter (heaven-based), Kate Middleton's family, and Genevieve Hill's family says, Tori Wilder's mother.... yeah right. Shirley Myers is on film and on tape dying to protect me from the filthy miscreants and violent death that awaited me, even as a former abdicated royal by choice, a college student, and a mother who lost her alimony to genocide and royal pogroms.
All Hana Watkins wanted was to steal Shirley Myers' body, car, social security retirement, and apartment. The supposedly impeached Barack Obama helped her to achieve it. Now Shirley has been seen driving a one million dollar car and also complaining about money. A pure Nuremberg, all of this with a falsified euthanasia summons, where Nicholas Keith
Lies and says that I am a drug dealer,
After stealing my identity, in order to have the falsified invoke of the summons for euthanasia. None of it is accurate. My identity and achievements are in other women's records.
Nicholas Keith even tried to steal a trillion-dollar gold social security record from me, that was only produced by my pregnancy and my son's concern for my well-being before his passing. Trying to steal it with lies is illegal and offensive.
Nicholas Keith and his family think that they can have a euthanasia ploy from the CIA by just accusing me of not liking black men sexually. I am not your sex slave. This is inappropriate. Osiris Keith only dated white women and only dedicated to white women. Even homeless black men all know that my real father is white. I don't see what the big deal is?
"Kimberly is not more African in origin than Serena Williams, who is legally allowed to mate any man that she wants," said a government official.
I am also not more African in origin than Reginald Scott and Hana Watkins, who have both freely mated White Buckingham Palace members, who actually share more DNA-based origins with me than they do with Hana Watkins and Reginald Scott. "Why don't they receive this criticism?", asked a government official.