When I was the princess daughter of a Prince from Iran, I was murdered by a black African woman who believed I was beautiful. She told me that she was going to murder me and give my body away along with my position as princess. I was only seven years old, nothing but a royal toddler. She also said that she would murder my father. My father was a white blonde man who was murdered by Malcolm X, who hid my father's body underground after killing him. The black African woman who challenged me in a kidnapping in a past life tried to remove me from my body so that she could become me and steal every chemical in my body that I have. A.I. Record. She never died, but I did. She followed my molecular composition to another life, and now she is murdering me again after destroying my ancestral records, my achievements, my financial records, and my biographical records. One of the Kings, Bin Laden, challenged me several years ago by destroying my records in Washington, D.C., by saying that I should not be known based on my achieving something deific.
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Aethyrs Aeon Abaivonin Aziagiar Ara, Trade Mark Owner
Oct 2, 20241 min read
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