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Alicia Rodriguez Tries To Arrest Me and My Newborn For Not Giving Her A Mansion with Money.

Thursday, March 21, 2024. My son Lars Jennrich II decided to declare that he is in the Nazi Party. Lars Jennrich II choked my infant son and arrested him on behalf of Alicia Rodriguez, who, in her caveman mentality, believes that I should give her my new $30,000,000 million-dollar mansion and money because she is a Mardugad. I supposedly owe her in her demented mind. First of all, this is the United States of America. Arcane European laws that are religio-based are not in our legal system. I do not owe Alicia Rodriguez anything at all. If that were true, angels and Nephilim in this country would live freely and thrive, but they don't always. Alicia Rodriguez believed that she could confidently hold me and my relatives at gunpoint and demand money and a mansion from me. In that case, President Biden, you can quarantine Alicia Rodriguez now since she naturally bore angel children. I did not have to be the focus of the State of the Union Address while my family enjoyed my mansion in Beverly Hills, California, and I have not spent more time there than they have.

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